System of Chaos
Pirate Factions
...Fussion Drives
...Fission Drives
...Anderson Drive
...Hawking Drive
...Gravity Drive
...Assault Armor
...IA Apollo M
...TAF Angel
...GTB Athena II
...GTB Eclipse
...GTCV Mercury
...GTMS Mercy
...GTPC Neptune
...TAD Independence
...TAD Freedom
...GTD Immortal
...Darkside Outpost
...Rail Gun
...Fussion Cannon
...Vulcan Cannon
...ACS Morter
System of Chaos
...Chapter One
...Chapter Two
...Chapter Three
Operation Blitzkrieg
Master of Darkness

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Copyright 1998-1999
Arcadia Records
Fussion Drives

The Fussion Drive is an experimental propulsion system based around the physics of anti-matter. Originally concieved before the discovery of SubSpace, the Fussion Drive was to be the means of Extra Solar travel.
At top speeds the Fussion Drive is speculated to propel craft just under the light barrier. This velocity is achieved by compressing highly unstable solid-state fuels into anti-matter, a process known as Anti-Matter Fussion.
Anti-Matter, or "Dark Matter," is matter traveling at the speed of light and reacts similarly to a moving black hole. By creating Anti-Matter in the reactor core, and then focusing it out of the craft's exhaust ports, velocity is achieved.
With escape velocity of the Anti-Matter being faster than light, an almost instantaneous acceleration occurs. This instant acceleration causes massive tissue and structural damage to occupants of the craft. Only one solution has been brought up to counter the effects of instant acceleration, cryogenics. All crew and passengers of Fussion-Based Craft must be cryogenicly frozen if maximum velocity is to be attain without casualties.
However, these arguments are fairly meaningless, the Fussion Drive has never been perfected and all attempts of initiating the drive have met with disastor.
At the time of the Fussion Drives conception, the largest ship class in the GTA were the Cruisers. The Orions were still 2 years away from development. It is believed that slightly slower speeds can be achieved safely with a ship large enough to structurally support instant acceleration. Until the collapse of Delta-Serpentis we have not had reason for further testing of the Fussion Drives.